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Order by Phone - 847.731.3597

By phone is the best way to order if you have any questions, would like to do payment over the phone instead of online, or you are checking on the availability of Limited Quantity colors. Make sure to have all your sizes measured within 1/8" ready when you call.  

Order by Fax - 847.731.7320

  • Print our Order Form.

  • Complete using the sizing chart to the right as a reference.

  • Fax completed order form

  • Call to make payment arrangements.

Order Online

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available on amazon

Note - Amazon has limited color choices.

Outdoor Cover Measurement Guide

Measure the outside dimensions of your sleeve with-in 1/8", use the chart below, and determine the BreezeBlocker for your unit(s).

All standard Exterior Covers may be used for Interior providing they fall within the measurements noted and have at least 4" of depth into the room.

All Standard Covers are 4" Deep

air conditioner cover sizing
Size Chart

*Outdoor Cover should only be used on PTAC units if they provide for AC cooling only. Do not use covers on units that also supply heat!

Light Grey swatch

Lt. Grey - T03

Ivory swatch

Ivory - T13

taupe swatch

Taupe - T10

Special orders are available upon request. Please call for availability, costs, and information.

These colors are still available in limited supplies. Contact us for availability.
T44_Ivory Swatch

Buff - T01

BEL-AIR - Walnut swatch

Bel-Air Walnut - T05

Khaki swatch


T52_Peacan Swatch

Pecan - T33

Walnut swatch

Dark Walnut

chocolate brown swatch

Chocolate Brown

Outdoor Cover Pricing:

1-24 Units: $34.28 each; 25-50 Units: $32.57 each; 51-100 Units: $31.88 each;
101+ Units: $30.85 each - Plus shipping and handling.


Custom Indoor Cover Pricing:​ Starting at $39.59 each

PTAC Cover Pricing: Starting at $41.97 each

Be Sure to Check out our Outdoor Covers page for any Limited Time Colors!

Special orders are available upon request. Please call 847.731.3597 if you do not see your size listed, for availability, costs, and additional information.

I want to know about special deals!

Thank you, we will send you emails on our specials!

"I had been looking for an alternative to cheap, unsightly, unattractive, messy, taped-on, strapped-on, destructive plastic garbage bag type objects attached to our buildings for years. I COULDN'T FIND ONE, so I decided to manufacture them!"

- President, ARKAD Manufacturing, Inc.

available on amazon
maintenance usa

©2020 ARKAD, MFG, INC.

1702-7th Street, Winthrop Harbor, IL  60096


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